Friday, May 22, 2020

Great Depression and New Deal Study Guide - 1119 Words

Great Depression and New Deal Study Guide: Events Causes/Effects of the Great Depression: widespread banking failures. The banks invested people’s money in the stock market and created major losses. Goals of the New Deal- three goals: relief for the needy, economic recovery, and financial reform Causes of the Dust Bowl The Bonus Army The Crash of 1929 People Herbert Hoover- was the president at the start of the great depression. He was the republican nominee but he realized later that he had no more he could do. Franklin D. Roosevelt- was the democratic nominee for office against President Hoover; he was known popularly as FDR, a two-term governor of New York and a distant cousin of former President Theodore Roosevelt.†¦show more content†¦The TVA renovated five existing dams and constructed 20 new ones, created thousands of jobs, and provided flood control, hydroelectric power, and other benefits to an impoverish region. | Civilian Conservation Corps- To put young men aged 18 to 25 to work building roads, developing parks, planting trees, and helping in soil-erosion and flood-control projects. Taught men and women to live independently, thus increasing their self esteem. Almost 3 million young men had passed through the CCC. The CCC paid a small wage of $30 a month with $25 automatically sent home to the worker’s family. It also supplied free food, uniforms and lodging in work camps. | Agricultural Adjustment Act- To raise crop prices by lowering production. Governm ent paid farmers to leave a certain amount of every acre of land unseeded. Government paid cotton grower $200 million to plow under 10 million acres of their crop. Complaints that it was destroying food when people were starving. | Emergency Banking Relief Act- authorized the treasury department to inspect the country’s banks. Those that were sound could reopen at once; those that were insolvent- unable to pay their debts- would remain closed. Those that needed help could receive loans. This revived public confidence in banks. | National Industrial Recovery Act- Was believed to have given the federal government too much control over agriculture and industry. Declared unconstitutional after the fact. TheShow MoreRelatedTeaching Philosophy Is Perennialism: An Opinion Essay1020 Words   |  4 PagesA philosophy provides a framework for thinking and guides professional practice, (p. 219). 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